Thank you for choosing to become a valued member of our novel website. In order for you to better immerse yourself in the vast sea of books and enjoy a personalized reading experience and exclusive benefits, we have prepared this membership service description. Please read the following content carefully in order to fully understand your membership rights and regulations.
I. Membership type and rights and interests
Ordinary members:
Massive reading: Unlimited access to most of the novels on the website, enjoy the fun of reading.
Personalized Recommendations: Based on your reading preferences, we will push customized book recommendations for you.
Interactive community: Participate in book reviews, author interviews and other interactive activities, and share your reading experience with fellow readers.
Premium Membership (Additional Benefits)
Priority reading of VIP chapters: Read VIP chapters of popular novels in advance, and be one step ahead of the plot development.
Ad-free reading: Enjoy a pure reading environment, free from advertisements.
Offline Download: Support downloading favorite novels to local, read offline anytime and anywhere.
Exclusive Member Benefits: Participate in exclusive member draws, exchange for limited edition books or peripheral merchandise.
Priority customer service: enjoy faster customer service response to solve the problems you encounter in the reading process.
II. Membership Opening and Renewal
Opening method: After registering your account on the website, you can choose the membership type that suits you to open in the membership center, and a variety of payment methods are supported.
Validity period: The membership service takes effect from the date of opening, the validity period depends on the selected membership type, and you can choose to renew the service after the expiration.
III. Membership rules and precautions
Copyright Respect: Please respect the copyright of the author and publisher, and do not copy or distribute the content of the novels on the website without authorization.
Account security: Please keep your account information properly and avoid leaking it to others. The website is not responsible for any loss caused by account theft or password leakage.
Violation of regulations: The website has the right to suspend or terminate the member services of the members who violate the regulations of the website (such as publishing illegal information, maliciously attacking others, etc.), and reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility.
Service changes: the site has the right to adjust the content of member services, prices and rules according to operational needs, adjustments will be notified in advance through the website announcements and other ways to notify members.
IV. Customer service support
If you encounter any problems or need help in the process of using member services, please feel free to contact our customer service team. You can get in touch with us through the online customer service on the website, customer service e-mail or the contact phone number provided, we will solve the problem for you as soon as possible.